
Raison D'être

Raison D'être
Another bloody bath drawn today, his fifteen minutes of fame. It's always the suicide notes that get me, but this wasn't suicide, not exactly.
Read all about it, on June 8th a young Japanese man drove a truck into a crowd of people, jumped out and began stabbing everyone he could. Broad daylight, outside an electronics plaza. The perpetrator killed seven people and wounded ten.
He wrote, 'I don't have a single friend and I won't in the future. I'll be ignored because I'm ugly,' 'If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't have just left my job or be addicted to my cellphone. A man with hope could never understand this,' 'I'm lower than trash because at least the trash gets recycled,'

The police chief said maybe the problem was education, but the kid was getting top grades. The kid said he tricked his parents and teachers into thinking he was a good kid. It wasn't that, so who is society going to point their fingers at now?

This person had a lack of hope. According to him, I can't understand how he feels. And I'm not going to try. I'm not going to make sense out of a senseless act. Leave that to the 'experts'.

My heart goes out to the victims and their killer. The Japanese will probably execute him and I wish that he finds hope before then.

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