My roommate is a metalhead, sorta. I don't know what cliche he slides into. I'm the only artist in this hall.
I really belong in Reilly. Many of my friends are over there, and once I pretended I lived there and attended a dorm meeting just to get free pizza. I lied straight faced to the R.A. that I was on his floor. When he asked which number I lived in, I said, "Uh. . ."
"Are you on Chris's [the other R.A.] wing?"
"Yeah, I must be."
I'm going to lie again so I can attend condom poker with their hall. Allen hall doesn't do anything cool like that. The coolest thing they've done is host a National Day of Peace art contest. The rules were to color a peace sign template and the best got a $25.00 gift certificate to Target. Since everyone who lives there is "too cool" for art I knew I was easily going to win.
I spent about an hour on it. I colored it with expensive, artsy permarkers, and got high off the fumes. Then I burst open some ink pens I found around campus and blew the ink everywhere. It looked really nice. You were supposed to hang it on your door.
Only two other people entered, and to me, theirs were not very good. One was a pencil drawing of either a volcano or a nuclear bomb. The other was babbling about how there can never be peace between countries or religions. I didn't understand it.
On Saturday night, after the judging was over, I was leaving my room and decided to take a picture of my art. For some reason I felt that the dicks in my hall would tear it down. After a long night, I came home at 3AM and saw my poster crumpled up, ripped in half, down the hall. I was right. The other two peace signs were fine.
At the time, since I wasn't surprised, I wasn't mad. I picked up the pieces of my artwork and plotted revenge, and pondered who would be such a dick. It wasn't a big deal.
I learned today that all three of the people who entered the contest won. Instead of getting a 25.00 gift card, we all get a ten dollar one. . . This is such a copout for real judging. Disappointed isn't the word I would use. What's a word for "lack of surprise"?
And right now, I am sitting in my room glaring at the door, and hating everyone being loud out in the hall.