
Requiem for a Dream

16 Sep 2007

Current mood: I am Jack’s Addled Addictive Enthusiasm

I really suck at writing reviews. Possibly because I am always late on what is great.
I was going to write a review of the movie Requiem for a Dream. The movie came out seven years ago. I just watched it tonight. No matter how well I write, it won't give anyone the incentive to see it, it won't interest anyone, it's patently irrelevant.

So screw it. Let's talk about me.

The only interesting thing I did today was walk around downtown for a while. It was kind of a trip. I listened to music, so I wasn't paying attention and nearly was hit by a car more than once. I kept seeing people I thought I recognized, but wasn't sure. Their faces blurred up against the windows of cars, laughing at me, or eyes on the road. That man who played with fire, not so popular now. And the soundtrack was just poetic enough, the way in film, towards the ending when they do a big silent montage of all the characters with sad music playing in the background. You know what I mean.

I began to feel paranoid. I tried to get lost, but it wasn't working. I get so weird around large groups of people.

One the way back, a storm cloud was covering the sun just right that the light sung out over the edges and you could literally see the prisms, shining out for miles and miles and miles. The eyelashes of the sun.

It was a peaceful moment for me and I felt amazing. I felt like dying young and smoking and living life to death.

The movie? It was kind of like that.
It made me ache deep inside at times, similar to being heartbroken, realizing your past is behind you and dead . . .
It made me want a girl who I can into real trouble with. . .

Not many things I know of can do that to me. . .

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