
Talking Just to Talk - Warning: Stupid Politics Inside

Talking Just to Talk - Warning: Stupid Politics Inside

(please read all of this before you discuss, it makes it more intelligent).

This is Not News

Last night, I was watching CNN, some commentary about Obama moving into the Oval Office and how chaotic it can be. As a journalist, it disgusts me that broadcast television calls this newsworthy. Seriously? You couldn't comment on Obama's foreign policy or how he's approaching the terrorism in the Gaza strip or anything?

In the Arts and Entertainment section that I work for, if my editor asked for a story idea and I told him, "The president's furniture." I wouldn't have a job, let alone a story.

Today, I woke up and Obama was already being sworn in. The entire school was celebrating with wide-screen, plasma screen TV's and red, white and blue deserts topped with tiny American flags. Commentators, heads talking just to talk were telling us how this is a "glorious day for America". Really? Glorious? The Hand of God reached down and touched the bald forehead of Barack?

That's the thing with broadcast journalism. There is so much editorializing and shit that is unjournalistic. Commentators never say anything of substance or importance. In my opinion, I think important news should be something that affects you, directly or indirectly.

Good example of news:
A salmonella scare.

Bad example
: Britney Spears' boob job. (By the way, the only reason she made a comeback was because the media said she did. Maybe they felt bad for ruining her life? To me, she's still a bimbo, a terrible artist, a terrible person and always will be. You can't make a comeback from that.)

The agonizing inaugaration was not important to me and 90% of it didn't count as news.
I thought maybe if I ignored him, Obama would go away.

Promises, Promises

So far all, nearly all Obama has done is make a bunch of promises and a bunch of excuses because he can't possibly keep those promises. He can't change America, not in the way people think.

Some people think that Obama may not be able to make any actual positive change, but he can at least inspire people enough to make change for themselves. Really? A morale boost is all this country needs?

Imagine this:
Throngs of people in the street, cheering that they are losing their money, their jobs and their homes. Cheering that they are still at war with Iraq and Afghanistan and moving into war with Palestine and God knows where else. These same stupid people that elected this socialist into office.

Socialist? Yes, it's not just namecalling, Obama really is a socialist. He has voted YES on every single bailout proposed to the Fed and plans to make healthcare social. So when our mortgages, our cars and our very health are owned by the government, you still want to say Obama believes in a free market? Ha!

Maybe you don't understand the definition of socialism:

From wikipedia: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership.

Under Obama, the state will run the majority of American car companies, mortgages, banks and hospitals. And all this before Obama was even sworn in! Give the bastard four years (or God forbid, eight) and who knows what kind of chaos he plans?

My biggest problem with people who like Obama is their blind trust. Because Bush was so incredibly bad, they will turn a cataracted eye to anything terrible Obama will do.
Let me make it clear, Bush was a fascist and the only difference between the two is the security policies of both presidents. But in actuality, Obama has a very similar security policy to Bush. OH NO!

Complete Evil?

Let's look at what Obama has already done as a senator.


He has voted for every single piece of pro-war, pro-military legislation that has come down the tube to him. A PERFECT RECORD. Every single one. What's wrong with that? Well, I won't try to convince you war is completely evil, but that means that Barack did vote for the Military Propriations Act, a little law that expanded on the USA PATRIOT Act.

As you probably know, the PATRIOT Act essentially shredded the Bill of Rights and made it legal to torture human beings. Not every single person in Guatanimo Bay or Abu Gharib is guilty. Many of those prisoners were pulled off the street, given no trial (or a mock one) and never got to defend themselves.

This torture violates the Geneva Convention. Can you imagine if that happened to you?

But Obama is for peace! He said so!
Yeah, big difference between saying something and being it. It is true that Obama is against the war in Iraq. He often says he didn't vote for it. That's easy, because he wasn't in the senate when it was heppening. Aww. . .

Obama is an oppurtunist. He is against this unpopular war, not all wars. He has expressed interest in invading Palestine and Darfur, an excursion that will further bankrupt America and threaten us with another World War. After all, Palestine has nukes and allies, unlike the other two countries we are blowing the shit out of.


That proves Barack Obama is a socialist, fascist (he can be both, by the way), torturer (by association) and just plain EVIL. Today, millions were wishing Obama good luck as president. It's really the American people who need the help.

NOTE: I didn't mention race once in this entry (not counting now).That's because it isn't important. Wow, Barack is black. As this may prove, it doesn't influence whether Obama is a good president or not.

The only thing I hope to accomplish with this blog is to spark a little cynicism in you. Even if you don't agree with me entirely and still adore Obama, I want you to stop trusting him. I want you to stop being blind.


1 comment:

Matty said...

Oh... Believe me I was cynical of Barack from the beginning. With his motivational speaking and being the first black president (not criticizing it just saying that it does give him a slight advantage because he is a first in a way, he can convince the American general public of anything. It's totally true... Do you think the last election was about politics? No, it was about who had a better personality and was better at rhetoric. Not to quote out of context but even Barack himself says, "With a certain talent for rhetoric, as well as an absolute certainty about the merits of my own view..." (Audacity of Hope) He praises his talent for rhetoric and says he is certain about his views (the latter is untrue but that's a whole different story). He knows how to convince people and that is a powerful and scary thought.

Here's the thing about his change. It does not matter if he makes any changes at all. Rather, it doesn't matter if he makes very few. Because of his speeches and campaign for "change" any little thing he does will end up being considered a big deal. I just wonder what will happen when his "change" turns out for the worse as it inevitably will or people recognize that it is just more of the same...