
Europe Diary – Antwerp, Kinderdijk, LCD Soundsystem, etc.

Hard to admit, but I am enjoying boredom a lot more lately, because it’s so rare now that I get to sit around and soak in my own lethargy. There’s so many errands to run, places to explore and school, of course. So forgive me if this is rather condensed compared to my last entry.

It’s nice that I can go to another city in an hour on whim and it’ll cost less than a tank of gas. So I went to Antwerp with Jeff. Arrived late in the evening, so not much to do, but had some of the best beer and food in my life. Primavera pizza (baked eggplant and zucchini) is incredible and Belgian waffles are my crack. Also, don’t forget Belgian chocolate – it’s not world famous for nothin’.

My Finnish friend Jaleh and I went to Kinderdijk, the place with all the windmills and had a relaxing time just walking around, taking touristy pictures. Some guy stopped us on the street, started unnecessarily proselytizing us but his English was poor and it was hard to communicate. I did learn that Holland means “empty land” and the name change, Netherlands, means “low land” and that I should be humble instead of empty. OK, then.

I really get along with the Finnish. Olli’s friend Matti came up for a weekend and he kept asking about America and cultural differences I’ve noticed. I guess I’ve settled in, the culture shock faded, because I when I first arrived I spotted hundreds and now I can barely think of any.

It was this kid’s 21st birthday and I became his photographer. We took pictures on the roof, looking at the brightly lit Grote Kerk (Big Church) and it was beautiful. That kid got a drink with lots of straws. He threw up all over the bar.

Jolien has become my guide and closest friend out here and she showed me around Redhairday. I interviewed people, Britt took pictures, maybe this’ll turn into some journalism thing. Maybe not.

School started and it’s hell, but that’s nothing different. I’ll always be a terrible, disgruntled student. Still, I go from 9 to 5 everyday and around 11 my brain forms this impenetrable crust over itself so nothing else can get in. Even lots of cigarettes and coffee can’t crack through.

Well, as a little vacation to myself I headed off to Tilburg (a rough town that’s got a lot more crime than little ol’ Breda) and immediately got lost. I did find the 013 venue and just in time for LCD Soundsystem. Few people I know have heard of James Murphy and even less care, but LCD has always struck something with me. LCD Soundsystem had been playing a lot of festivals this summer, so that means short sets. They finally got a two hour set, so all this energy was just POURING out of the band. For a reserved, kindy artsy group like this, it was pretty intense. It was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to because each song addressed some hope or fear or dream that I’ve been dealing with.

I wonder if this one video can convey a little bit of what I was feeling. (wait till the 3 minute mark) I was all alone no less and that's not a good idea at a concert. It made me feel really self-conscious, but once the music came on my fears were shed and it was perfect.

Happiness is an emotion I know better than ever. Not so much peace or anything like that. Good trade.


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